quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2018

Imogen Heap Tweeted: That was meant to be hands plural. One hand wou...

Your Highlights
Imogen Heap
That was meant to be hands plural. One hand would be not such a soft landing! twitter.com/imogenheap/sta…
With Brandon LaFell out of the picture, Cincinnati's young receivers see an opportunity to step up. @jjones9 from Bengals' training camp
Bob Ley
The producer who can get a meeting anywhere in Hollywood is also rumored to be pretty good at basketball.
In between segments, Tony and Mike come up with a list of rival teams that play in close proximity. Can you think of some others?
Andrew Brandt
RT @HashtagSports: @Villanova_Law @MooradSportsLaw @AndrewBrandt Great to have this member of #NovaNation at #HS18 💪
Amy しүทท
Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. - Mark Twain
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Momento da Entoação dos Hinos da República e da A.E.A
Chefe Isilda(secretaria do Agrpto) e chefe Sacov

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66
che. Joice (á esquerda) che. Gizela (á direita)