quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2018

Bruno Mars Tweeted: 🚨Let’s Party! #FinesseVideo✨✨

Your Highlights
Bruno Mars
🚨 Let's Party! #FinesseVideo✨✨
John Clayton
On the latest episode of Schooled with the Professor, @ClaytonESPN talks to one of the NFL's original big wide receivers, @HMAN84 Herman Moore, about how the WR position has developed in the league.
Ian Rapoport
FIGHT twitter.com/buffalobills/s…
Greg A. Bedard
One of my favorite parts. twitter.com/Steve_Joy/stat…
Mhhhhhhmmm???? i don't think they ready twitter.com/brunomars/stat…
mike fisher ✭
Signing Zack and Tank is more 'smart' than 'safe' ... right? twitter.com/John_Morton024…
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Chefe Isilda(secretaria do Agrpto) e chefe Sacov

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66
che. Joice (á esquerda) che. Gizela (á direita)