terça-feira, 4 de julho de 2017

Mike & Mike shared: Fitz, Golic Jr. throw down in eating competition - ESPN Video

Your Highlights
Mike & Mike
ICYMI: @MGolicJR57 obliterated @jasonfitz in a donut eating contest this morning.
Drew Magary
Yes it's America's birthday but MORE important is that today marks the founding of The Hike in paperback.
Janna Levin on the Vienna Circle and How Mathematician Kurt Gödel Shaped the Modern Mind via @brainpicker
Jeff McDonald
I gotta see the results of this clearly very scientific poll. twitter.com/2PAC_KL2/statu…
raury stan acct
BUT HOW??????? twitter.com/dryhandjobz/st…
Dean Cain
Happy Birthday 🇺🇸
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Momento da Entoação dos Hinos da República e da A.E.A

Momento da Entoação dos Hinos da República e da A.E.A
Chefe Isilda(secretaria do Agrpto) e chefe Sacov

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66
che. Joice (á esquerda) che. Gizela (á direita)