quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2016

All Things Mavs tweeted: Harry B gettin up to throw it down tonight for Team USA

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All Things Mavs
Harry B gettin up to throw it down tonight for Team USA
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Peter King
My mailbag is up. twitter.com/theMMQB/status…
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Bruno's G Spot
See! Fanfics are good for us! @Hooligan0411 @CherryBurnette @LadySmeezington @BrunosLadyClub . Get writing ladies!
UberFacts @UberFacts
Reading a work of fiction reduces cognitive closure, making the reader more flexible in their approach to problem-solving, a study found.
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El Flaco
there is that
♫♪ Ryan ♪♫ @kurogane
@bomani_jones comparing these numbers to those who approved of sit ins and the freedom riders... pic.twitter.com/ZdEuxCac2F
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Why union-NFL field condition pact matters + J.J. Watt injury talk. @SI_PeterKing's mailbag: mmqb.si.com/mmqb/2016/07/2…
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Jeff Caplan
Feel the Bern...
John Gravois @Grav1
Go ahead and write your own jokes: Democrats become first major party to back pathway to #legalizing #pot star-telegram.com/news/politics-… #DemsinPHL
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