quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2016

The MMQB tweeted: .@SI_PeterKing's Mailbag: Relax, @Redskins fans. Why fans should be worry free about their QB. Plus mail on Manning:

The MMQB  @theMMQB
.@SI_PeterKing's Mailbag: Relax, @Redskins fans. Why fans should be worry free about their QB. Plus mail on Manning:
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Sam Steele Ponder  @sam_ponder
For my Staples Center experts... Are the acoustics always this bad? Even awesome singers sound terrible @ramonashelburne
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Russillo and Kanell  @RussilloKanell
PODCAST: Ryen & @adnanESPN today! Peyton teaches us not to let athletes let us down plus NBA trade stories/rumors es.pn/1QjAZwH
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Football Outsiders @fboutsiders
Results of the 2015 FO Reader Awards, voted on by the only fans who seem to realize how awesome @LavonteDavid54 is. footballoutsiders.com/ramblings/2016…
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Momento da Entoação dos Hinos da República e da A.E.A

Momento da Entoação dos Hinos da República e da A.E.A
Chefe Isilda(secretaria do Agrpto) e chefe Sacov

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66
che. Joice (á esquerda) che. Gizela (á direita)