terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2015

Donald J. Trump tweeted: President Obama wants to change the name of Mt. McKinley to Denali after more than 100 years. Great insult to Ohio. I will change back!

Followed by leila lopes and Troy Aikman.
Donald J. Trump  @realDonaldTrump
President Obama wants to change the name of Mt. McKinley to Denali after more than 100 years. Great insult to Ohio. I will change back!
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Followed by Troy Aikman and Peter King.
The MMQB  @theMMQB
No More Hope. @SI_PeterKing on RG3's demotion in Washington and where he could play next. mmqb.si.com/mmqb/2015/09/0…
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Followed by PTI and Peter King.
Gary Myers @garymyersNYDN
Tom Brady never received a settlement offer that would allow DeflateGate to end.
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Followed by PTI.
Dan Steinberg  @dcsportsbog
The reviews are coming in on Matt Williams's bullpen decisions last night. Here's one espn.go.com/blog/sweetspot…
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Followed by Troy Aikman, PTI and Peter King.
Darren Rovell  @darrenrovell
The NFL has lost the PR battle in "DeflateGate." 1st "Who Do You Side With?" poll is from 7/28. 2nd is today pic.twitter.com/bSchNuGecD
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Followed by PTI.
El Flaco  @bomani_jones
he hit me with the capital YOU. let's see how far this goes.
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Momento da Entoação dos Hinos da República e da A.E.A

Momento da Entoação dos Hinos da República e da A.E.A
Chefe Isilda(secretaria do Agrpto) e chefe Sacov

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66

Dirigentes do Agrupto 66
che. Joice (á esquerda) che. Gizela (á direita)